Monday, July 30, 2012

Paranormal Investigation In South Bend, Indiana

My first ever investigation took me to South Bend, Indiana on Friday July 13th 2012 to investigate Primrose Road.

According to locals, the most haunted place in South Bend is Primrose Road, which has several stories attached to it. One story claims that you must drive exactly between 20mph and 30 mph. If you don't, your tires will suddenly go flat or your car will die. Cell phones don't work in the area, ghosts appear out of the woods, and people seem to be running through the woods.There are also stories of ghostly warnings and a creepy farmhouse that appears out of nowhere. Supposedly a woman will appear and either grant you good luck, or make your car disappear.

Also on Primrose Road is the Blood Rock. The rock sits in the middle of a pond at a local housing development. The rock seems to move from time to time and changes its position. Primrose Road also has the haunted Adams Street Graveyard. People who have taken pictures there on a clear day see their images turn out with a light fog covering the tombstones.

The journey started from Mishawaka, IN while on vacation at a friend's house. My wife and I were informed that there was a haunted cemetery nearby and with it being Thursday night just approaching midnight I jumped on the opportunity to go there to investigate for Friday the 13th. My friend Lisa did not tell us the stories of the graveyard, just that it was known to be haunted. She told us of the story of cars breaking down or tires going flat if you do not drive down the road between 20mph and 30mph but we were able to drive down the road with no problem. It is a dirt road consisting of nothing but mini speed bumps! so vehicles driving down the road can not speed. When we approached the Adam's street cemetery I immediately felt such an adrenaline rush as I spotted the extremely old tombstones in the distance. I immediately snapped pictures of the road itself with my canon powershot sx HS and these pictures are what I got...

Primrose Road
Primrose Road

 As we entered the cemetery I said some greetings and informed the spirits that I was not there to harm them or show them any disrespect and that I did not want to be harmed. I took many pictures and I was drawn to a specific grave that I could only make out "Wife Of George Scott" on it. I placed my digital voice recorder on the grave and announced that I was going to leave the recorder there so if anybody wanted to communicate to just speak to the red light. I walked away and continued the tour of the cemetery with Lisa and a few of the teenagers and I used my iPhone's memo recorder as a backup to try and pick up EVP's.  (Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are supposedly not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings.) In the car I also left our Dell laptop with my condenser microphone just for the heck of it...check out the  Sony ICD-PX312 Digital Flash Voice Recorder ICDPX312
and the Dell Inspiron 15R *SWITCH* Laptop Intel Core i3-2350M, 500GB, 15.6" - as well as the Canon PowerShot Black 12.1 Megapixel Digital Camera - 5251B001
"Wife Of George Scott"
I made my way toward the back of the yard and I couldn't help but notice the change in my mood. I had a bad case of goosebumps and felt so very sad to the extent that I felt like I was going to break down and cry. I sat in the grass in front of a grave and attempted to communicate with the spirits more. I couldn't help but notice the condition of all of the tombstones and I told the spirits that I am sorry that people seem to have stopped paying them attention or respect. The graves were dated in the 1800's and were so deteriorated and I couldn't help but feel bad that these people buried here are virtually forgotten and uncared for. I snapped more pictures and continued asking questions holding my iphone up. Unaware of what my voice recorder back on the grave of George Scott's wife was picking up all alone in the pitch black night.

 I told the kids with me to go wait for me in the van so I could investigate alone for a little while, the kids were acting up a bit and I did not want the spirits to be offended or angry with us. At this time another car pulled up outside the cemetery and immediately I heard the sound of loud obnoxious teenagers get out of the car and make their way into the cemetery.
As I walked along I again noticed a change in my mood, this time feeling slightly annoyed and agitated. The more loud and obnoxious the teenagers got the more I felt the energy around me turn negative. I warned one of the kids that ghosts do not like how he and his friends are behaving and that they should think about their own families and would they want people trampling around their graves screaming and laughing. The boy actually apologized and said he didn't think of that and they left.

In all I believe I took about 150 pictures and more than half of them were riddled with orbs and a couple of other pictures showed some other strange things including the image of a person in white, which nobody there that night was wearing anything white. Here are some of the pictures taken...

Saturday July 14th I began going through the voice recorder to see if any EVP's were captured and to my surprise I was able to catch several. After the investigation I did the research about Primrose Rd and was then truly amazed by my findings. Here is the video for you to hear for yourself.

Growing up I had many encounters with the paranormal and as I got older I felt like I could feel spirits all around. I never feel very scared but often get the feeling I am being watched and also sometimes feel negative forces are around me. I got into Paranormal State on A&E and Ghost Adventures & Ghost Hunters and shows like that, Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures became my 2 favorites (sorry Hunters I still love you though!). I am not into the paranormal as a means of entertainment but more for my own reasons. I am currently looking around the Chicago area for more haunted locations I can go to but having a hard time finding something.

So for all of you Paranormal Investigators out there, Primrose Rd in South Bend Indiana is most DEFINITELY haunted! I can only imagine what I would have picked up with better equipment!

I want to take this time to send some positive wishes to Ryan Buell of PRS, I just learned of his situation and am genuinely concerned. Ryan seems like a really great guy and I hope he can overcome this. Big eHugs for Ryan Buell! Be well Ryan!


  1. Replies
    1. I read your blog frequently and I just thought I’d say keep up the amazing work!mara

  2. Been out there a lot. It was how my best friend was drawn into the paranormal and she's actually quite gifted. That and she is also the same one who swore up and down nothing would happen, yet when we took pictures the first night, she saw a face in the window next to her. My brother and I go through three times as it seems to wake up the energy, and as he is sensitive to the energy, he tends to draw in energy. I myself have a talent for drawing in energy due to a rather unique condition, but when we take pictures in the vehicle we see shadows sitting in all but the seat directly behind myaelf. To this day, we have the notion they fear me for some reason.

  3. Your on the wrong road we called the area and the road "primrose" because it sounds more scary than quince road the farm house torn down on the north of toll road west side of road thats your place nothing happend or will on primrose be carefull pure evil!!!!its all On quince!! dont forget the dirt road through the woods you might be chased by the truck of the guy who killed his family on quince road oh yeah while your searching beware of dead mans curve i almost flipped the car full of people there not knowing in the dark get your facts straight and stay away from that area unless you like seeing people standing on water,little evil red eyed who knows in the woods,ghost trucks running you off the road becarefull!!!

    1. You talkin about roller coaster hill ?

    2. You talkin about roller coaster hill ?

    3. No ..primrose and quince are 2 totally seperate roads....and primrose isn't a dirt road anymore

  4. Your on the wrong road we called the area and the road "primrose" because it sounds more scary than quince road the farm house torn down on the north of toll road west side of road thats your place nothing happend or will on primrose be carefull pure evil!!!!its all On quince!! dont forget the dirt road through the woods you might be chased by the truck of the guy who killed his family on quince road oh yeah while your searching beware of dead mans curve i almost flipped the car full of people there not knowing in the dark get your facts straight and stay away from that area unless you like seeing people standing on water,little evil red eyed who knows in the woods,ghost trucks running you off the road becarefull!!!

  5. I've never heard anything about Quince road. Where is the curve on quince rd? I've been down primrose and quince plenty of times and have seen anything.

    1. There is no curve on Quince unless its up on the state line somewhere. I live in the area and use Quince all the time.

  6. U should call taps and see if tgey will do an investigation

  7. U should call taps and see if tgey will do an investigation

  8. I used to ride my bike down the dirt road on primrose at night when I was younger (about 15 years ago when I was 12-14). I used to live in one of the neighborhoods nearby. One night I saw the red eyes in the woods.

  9. Yeah, the video won't play. Maybe you can let us know what the EVP said. Also, are you sure the person in white isn't a neighbor. There is a house very close to the cemetery?

  10. I lived in the Mishawaka area my whole life and found out about Primrose in my later teens (I'm 27 now). I used to go out there all the time with family and friends (I still go from time to time), and we'd either play car tag or go very slow down the road and see what we could see. I've always seen red and blue orbs out there. I've been told about a bus full of kids got killed out there, so if you turn off your car and sit there without your lights on you will get little kids fingerprints on your car. Also a little boy was killed on Poppy Rd and stuffed in a fridge by his dad. I remember one time we were going out there at night and we had my boyfriend go out there during the day, so he could get a feel of the road. I had decided to take some pictures out into the woods. When I looked at the picture I saw 2 figures of a little boy and a little girl standing out by a tree. On another occasion we were out there and there was a dark reddish orange moon out. It was huge, well when we had came back around it had disappeared. I always get strange feelings when I'm out there. Some are good feelings but more than most it's a bad feeling. They have paved over the road sense then but it's still a creepy feeling when you go down the road, just like Poppy Rd.

  11. I used to go through primrose and quince road back in 2004 and 2005. Some of my friends and I would go just to scare each other or to see if anything creepy would happen. We have been chased by a truck from primrose all the way to licolnway west past the south bend airport. We tried to pull over to let the truck go around, but it stopped behind us and stayed until we drove again. It took us at least 30 mins to lose the truck, it seemed like it just disappeared. On another occasion we all got out of our van and started to walk (like we usually did) the crickets were so loud it hurt your ears. That was the night we heard the drums in the cornfield...Very odd that we could hear that through the crickets chirping, but it was very loud. We walked through the field to find where the noise was coming from. We didn't make it too far, the drums had stopped and we all could see 2 pairs of red eyes. It was terrifying! We ran back to our van and didn't come back for a few days. We never encountered that again. Another night that we came,since this was our way of having fun back then, we were all standing in the middle of primrose just laughing and goofing off. Out of the corner of my eye I seen a little boy hiding behind a friend then he vanished...At first I thought it was my 5 year old cousin. But when I went to ask my friend where johnny was he was on her shoulders. She said that he had been there the entire time. It was probably my eyes playing tricks on me, but it was enough to spook me.There are also stories about the carriage house on Adams.Its said that it used to be an old school house, and the woman who taught the children there had burnt them alive in the school house, it is also said that she was presumed a witch and the community hung her on the tree out in the front of the building. There is a noose high up in the tree and has been there for a while. Not sure if it is a joke or not, or even if the story is true. I haven't been up primrose or quince since 2005. On the day of October 30th 2005 two very close friends of mine had died not far from primrose on red brush trail in a tragic car accident. Speeding was involved, but my friends and I were warned from family members not to go up there, that too many bad things happen there. Now I doubt that there is a connection to it, but I haven't been up there in over 10 years and have no desire to go back. I just wanted to share a few of my experiences, if you want to experience anything for yourself, just please be careful and don't drive too fast. Be cautious of your surroundings.

  12. Back in 1978 & 1979 , the house north of the toll road bridge was still standing ..the roof over the porch was down on the south side . the little roof over one of the second store windows was collapsed in . the siding on the house was washed out bare grey wood , the paint had long been weathered off .
    We used to load up in a care and go out there and sit and listen , I never heard anything . But one of the gals swore when her and another girl went there on a dare they heard a squealing scream type of sound . I figure some poor pig was lost from a nieghboring farmer and was squeling in delight that it was found. The very 1st I went there was after a date it was "kinda on the way home" the girl said , we visited roller coaster hill too that night 1st. Then made our way to the house. Seems the toll road lights were real bright that night or it was a full summer moon with clear skies , to me the house looked like had just been abandoned for 3 or 4 decades .
    Now out west on Adams rd ( I used to live on adams until age of 15 ) out past the Gillis Dairy Farm the was a very very old cemetery. During one summer of being bored to death ... Must of been 13 , a bunch of the neighbor kids came over to the house for a sayeonce. And then we got dared to walk to the old cemetery . About a 2 mile walk one way .. We took flashlights ..
    Read names of the tombstones , then went back home to try and speak to them .. Then we tried to have Alexander Graham Bell ring the phone . boy what memories those were .( this was back when phones still had bells in them to ring , no speaker with weak sounding ring tones , no one had cell phones then.1974 )
    Good luck ghost hunting . K3N_13

  13. Went up there several times when I was younger about 15 to 16 years ago. I had kids hand prints on my car, no kids mind you. Took a picture and when it developed hand prints gone! The stop sign, right before the housing development that's now there, cried blood.Chased by the speeding bus full of kids. Heard a horse POUNDING AND GALLOPING SO FAST it hurt your ears, hard the drums, too chicken to go see. And have seen PLENTY of orbs and other floating things.

    1. So if u wete to go out there tonight i would experience at leadt one of these paranormal events? I would love to experience something like this, and think it would be such a rush. I dont think yall would lie, but i have been told of "haunted" areas, but ended up being a joke..

  14. Many many memories of this area. There was an abandoned school there too where a business sits now, where there was frequently evidence of satanic rituals having been done. Hooded robbed figures chased us off more than once..this was early to mid 90s. Im going to share this and tag some people that will be happy to share some of the things seen out there.

    1. I got lost in the boiler room of that school once in 1994-95...I was pregnant with Marissa at the time...we used to all walk in as a group and open all the lockers in the hall on the way to the gym and we could hear the lockers all slam shut at the same time...we threw chairs out the second story window but they never hit the many things happened out there I'll never forget...

    2. I got lost in the boiler room of that school once in 1994-95...I was pregnant with Marissa at the time...we used to all walk in as a group and open all the lockers in the hall on the way to the gym and we could hear the lockers all slam shut at the same time...we threw chairs out the second story window but they never hit the many things happened out there I'll never forget...

  15. I was in high school in the early 90's and remember going to the old school, hearing of satanic rituals being performed there and the hanging noose in there. Was the old school actually on Quince?

  16. I was in high school in the early 90's and remember going to the old school, hearing of satanic rituals being performed there and the hanging noose in there. Was the old school actually on Quince?

  17. i'm moving onto this road, crap D:

  18. Man,, that old farm house was so creepy.. I have some stories from that house. We were also chased out by a truck that just seemed to vanish. That old school was crazy, Getting chased out by god knows what. Tires going flat, I will never go to the Adams graveyard again. Wish I had photos from that farm house on Quince, that was by far the most activity I have ever encountered.

    Jason M.
    email me if you guys ever go on a hunt, would love to join.

  19. This place was very real. Blue old round headlighted truck chased us from out of a cornfield down roller coaster road at 120 mph. Took us a long time to lose him and it vanished. This was in 95'. Many witnesses. Only time i ever believed in this sort of thing. A lot of unexplained things happened back then. Its built up now. Went back many times but nothing has happened since.

  20. I've been out there and have never experienced anything.

  21. Next time your in town,I know of a haunted farmhouse in Granger.Its one of the first original houses built in that area.I only know of it cause i did some remodel work there like 15yrs ago and experienced/witnessed several things myself.A few people I hired to help out,witnessed a couple of the things that I did also.I found out after that a young kid had been killed in the house by his father which "I think" took his own life right after that.It was also in the paper after it happened.I also can sense spirits and energy.Been in lots of haunted places before and thats one of the most haunted ive ever seen.I always wanted to go back there to investigate.It might be one u wanna check out for sure.

  22. There was an elementary school on Olive Rd which was 1 road east of primrose. Also there was another school on Quince Rd that was another elementary school Lydick Elementary was its name. Both were torn down in the early to mid 90’s.

  23. The school on olive was German and once it closed a lot of satanic cults practiced witch craft there at night. The building located on the property Maxi Blast has been pledged with wierd happenings at night. And there was a small private cemetery just behind the property that has since been moved or just covered up.
    That whole area sends chills down my spine for some reason. It was fun growing up in the area but there is no denying something is amiss in the area. There are like 6 private cemetery's in that small area.

  24. A ton of memories from being out there over my life time. Had some odd things happen to me ot the vehicle both during the day and night. Great spot when I was 16 to drive out with a group of people and see who got the stuffing scared out of them lol but there are other areas in the south bend / Mishawaka area that are more storied than just the Quince/ Primrose should ask you friends about some of the others next time you visit

  25. Now I’m really curious Erik R!

  26. Try gravity hill out in the primrose area

  27. I got evps from by the graveyard and they creepy

  28. This was amazing. I would love to join you next time you go. Please let me know

  29. Love reading these comments, very entertaining stories

  30. I grew up in Lydick with my grandparents by chain o lakes conservative club and me and my cousins use to play in the woods we once found our way on the other side of the woods by camp ray bird at the old camp sites and let me tell you that place was haunted and the old location of the old one room school house and school house 13 and the old south shore train station if your up to it I will show you all these places

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.
